ソニー、Xperia Z2をワイヤレス充電に対応させる充電カバーと充電パッドを発表

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Wireless Charging Cover WCR12 と Wireless Charging Plate WCH10

Wireless Charging Cover WCR12 と Wireless Charging Plate WCH10

ソニーが、Xperia Z2をワイヤレス充電に対応させるフリップ式Qi対応充電カバー(Wireless Charging Cover WCR12)と充電パレット(Wireless Charging Plate WCH10)を発表しています。

Wireless Charging Cover WCR12

Wireless Charging Cover WCR12

Wireless Charging Cover WCR12

もちろんXperia Z2専用で、カラーバリエーションは、ブラックとホワイトを用意。他のメーカーの充電パッドでも充電は可能ですが、Xperia Z2を充電するには5Wが必要だそうです(For the Xperia™ Z2 a Wireless Charging Cover WCR12 is needed to enable charging at 5W)。

Wireless Charging Plate WCH10

Wireless Charging Plate WCH10

Wireless Charging Plate WCH10


Wireless charging is an area with huge potential that’s exciting for both consumers and designers, and we’re only just beginning to scratch the surface of its potential. At Sony, we’re committed to on-going investment in new technologies, so keep an eye out for more products as we continue to build accessories that help you get the very most out of your Xperia devices.

Wireless charging for Xperia Z2 | Sony Smartphones


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