[動画]北米マツダ、2020 MX-5の魅力と機能を紹介する動画を公開

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北米マツダは、2020 MX-5とMX-5 RFの魅力や機能を紹介する6分以上の動画を公開しています。

北米マツダ、2020 MX-5の魅力と機能を紹介する動画を公開

The 2020 Mazda MX-5 Miata

A pure roadster born from a legendary racing tradition, the 2020 Mazda MX-5 Miata was engineered to elevate your driving experience. Explore its exceptional interior, exterior, technology, performance and safety features in this walk-around overview video.

The Sophisticated 2020 Mazda MX-5 Miata RF

Ingeniously designed with a retractable fastback, the 2020 Mazda MX-5 Miata RF transforms in seconds from a sleek fastback to a luxurious open-top roadster. Explore its exceptional interior, exterior, technology, performance and safety features in this walk-around overview video.

北米マツダは、動画攻勢に出ていますね。2020 Mazda6も公開済みなので、あと、残るのはCX-3かな。